Edgar Mitchell, Former Astronaut, Sued By NASA For Trying To Sell Apollo Camera
The space shuttle isn't the only old piece of NASA equipment that's making headlines. The space agency has filed suit against Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell in an attempt to reclaim a 40-year-old camera.
A federal lawsuit filed Wednesday in Miami claims that Mitchell, the lunar module pilot and sixth man to walk on the moon, illegally tried to auction off a camera he used during his 1971 lunar mission.
"Defendant Edgar Mitchell is a former NASA employee who is exercising improper dominion and control over a NASA Data Acquisition Camera," NASA alleged in court documents obtained by The Palm Beach Post.
Not so, says Mitchell.
"The thing had been sitting in my safe for 40 years -- I got it right after the mission," Mitchell told AOL.
The camera in question, used to photograph a variety of aspects of the Apollo 14 mission, was estimated to have been worth between $60,000 and $80,000 by Bonhams auction house.
According to the lawsuit, any equipment used on board Apollo missions remains the property of NASA and the space agency had no record of giving the camera to Mitchell.
The astronaut disagrees.
"The lunar modules didn't come back from the moon and everything in them -- all the equipment -- was considered government throwaways and it was deliberately crashed into the moon to ring seismometers that we set up to get data from inside the moon. However, we had an agreement with NASA management at that point that little things, like the cameras, could be kept," said Mitchell, a trained engineer and scientist and author of "The Way of the Explorer," who founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences in 1973. "That was standard practice and it was approved by NASA as incentive stuff."
He says that until he put the camera up for auction with the intention of raising cash for his research organization, Quantrek, the government never asked him to return it.
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