Saturday, July 2, 2011

Zynga IPO By The Numbers

Zynga Ipo
Social gaming company Zynga, maker of popular games like Farmville and Words With Friends, has just filed for its initial public offering. The company is trying to raise $1 billion in the offering.
Here are some numbers the S-1 filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission reveals:
166: Countries with Zynga players
38,000: Virtual items created per second
60 million: Daily active users
232 million: Monthly active users
2 billion: Minutes of play per day

The filing suggests that Zynga has more monthly active users on Facebook than the next 15 game developers combined, with a Zynga game as the most popular game for every month since the beginning of 2009. The top five games on Facebook are Zynga games, based on daily active users.
$597 million: Revenue in 2010
$121 million: Revenue in 2009

$235 million: Revenue in first quarter of 2011
$100 million: Revenue in first quarter of 2010

Zynga uses Facebook Credits for payment, from which Facebook takes 30 percent of revenue. Zynga refers to its reliance on Facebook as a potential liability.
"A significant majority of our game traffic is hosted by a single vendor and any failure or significant interruption in our network could impact our operations and harm our business," the filing states.
95: Percentage of revenue derived from selling online goods
5: Percentage of revenue derived from advertising

The majority of Zynga's revenue is derived from a "small percentage" of players, and a "small number" of games, according to the filing.
$300,000: Founder Marc Pincus's base salary in 2010. He also received bonuses adding up to $134,500. 
$200,00: Owen Van Natta's base salary in 2010 -- he also received $25,000 a month between April 2010 and August 2010, as a consulting fee

$90.5 million: Income in 2010

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