Queen of Green will IPO in Q1 of 2011. The first global green cooperative brand will go public in response to the investment demand from Forex, Sovereign Wealth Funds and Corporate Foundations to invest in green technologies especially for the emerging markets. 70 countries will improve the 'quality of life' for millions of poor. By providing access to green technologies the poor can join the global economy, leverage their skills and talents and become green and sustainable.
Queen of Green IPO http://www.youtube.com/user/QueenofGreenTV?feature=mhum
Queen of Green empowers communities and countries to overcome the capital, education and technology barriers by planning 'top down' and investing 'bottom up'. Queen of Green already has signed contracts for $60 bn of inter-bank funds and an offer of $150 billion of Economic Stimulus Funds. Gill Wallace Hope, CEO of Queen of Green doggedly persued the large scale funds that were environmentally focused yet had low opportunities to invest in the $1 bn to $1 trillion range.
She has broken through into unchartered territory of commercial funds seeking a return on their capital and to be actively investing in the emerging social sector. 10 Forex Managers have in excess of $5.7 trillion that must be invested and show a return.
Parked funds are only acceptable to Boards at the bottom of the investment cycle when everyone is scared to death, however as the economy starts to grow again, then the Fund Managers have to move swiftly to generate revenue for their Boards. Pressure is mounting on Fund Managers with excess cash yet the large scale opportunities are few so Queen of Green is capitalizing on this window and attracting investment on behalf of 200 million of the poorest of the poor.
Invest in Green Technologies for the Poor
Queen of Green has developed a Social Development Portfolio with 14 Programs in 70 countries that will improve the 'quality of life' for 200 million people.
Queen of Green (proposed ticker symbol QOG).
For media interviews please contact:
Gill Wallace Hope
SMS : +971 552 396 818
Email: hope@hope.gs
Bio: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ambassadorhope
Twitter: www.twitter.com/AmbassadorHope
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ambassador-Hope/187558744744
Social Investment Portfolio: http://queenofgreen.mobi/?page_id=620
Queen of Green IPO http://www.youtube.com/user/QueenofGreenTV?feature=mhum
Invest in Green Technologies for the Poor
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